Two in one: Two kids wrapped in one blanket are telling the story of two weekends wrapped into one blog post.
The weekend after Thanksgiving, we spent a lot of time in pajamas, doing the things we love to do.
At some point, our parents decided that it was time to get out of the house and watch 150 tuba players play Christmas carols. Well, what can we say, it was an interesting experience.
After strolling around for a while in festive inner-city Boston ...
... our parents made an impromptu decision to watch some fish in the nearby aquarium.
We saw beautiful coral reefs.
Look at this gentle giant!
We were not afraid of the sharks. They actually looked pretty.
Sofia said: "Isi, the little fish waived at me!"
We navigated the crowds pretty efficiently - and faster than Mama and Isi.
Back outside, we made it pretty clear that it was time for cocoa and cake.
Yeah, yeah, it's a big tree. Where is the cake?
Still no cake!
Yes, it's pretty here ... LOOK AT MY GIGANTIC COOKIE!
With Thanksgiving over, we had the green light for Christmas decoration work. Yay!
Mama said the tree was "done" ... little did she know, that we would be redecorating it every single day.
We love looking at our nativity. Mama has to explain who is who almost every day.
It's really difficult to open only one of these every day.
But look at us angels!
We even decorated our door. The wreath smells so nice!
These things don't smell nice, but Mama thinks they're pretty.
We loved when Isi put up then reindeer. We also bought him a friend, a deer.
Now that it's colder and darker, the lights in around our house make our home really cosy.
Some of them are even solar powered. Mama explained that this means that the sunlight recharges the battery. Pretty neat concept.
Let's move on to this weekend. Sofia is not wearing diapers during the day anymore! This is a picture from her daycare.
We sometimes talk to our family abroad ... sometimes we feed our cousin Franziska.
It's been so warm and sunny! They say it's winter, but we went out without jackets twice this weekend.
The best thing is running around in the park.
We found giant piles of leaves!
Back at home we did some arts projects with Mama.
And later we went for a stroller walk. We were even allowed to decorate the stroller with Christmas lights.
The best part of the weekend was grilling marshmallows in our fire place. Nummy!
On Sunday we celebrated Finland's birthday and St. Nicolas. We found gifts in our rainboots! We know it was not the real Nikolaus, but we like his story -- and the gifts.
Isi told us about Finnish music and Finland's birthday. He played the song to us that they sing during soccer games.
A pretty good story, don't you think?
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