

A good vappu aatto starts with a walk through a pretty neighborhood, e.g. St. Anthony Park, close to our place.

Checking out the library and some small shops,

and exploring pretty courtyards ...

made us hungry - pulla time!

At the Finnish Bistro, of course.

Our first own tulip came on vappu aatto. Hauskaa vappua ja hauskaa kevättä kaikille!



April 20: We could hardly believe our eyes: Snow?!?

About four hours later everything seemed forgotten. April had fooled us.

Spring came back (once again) just in time for Easter, so we decided to take a walk around Lake Como and Como Park - beautiful!


V-DAY 2011

We did it again! Thanks to our incredible cast and the support of many many wonderful people, we were able to support the Women's Advocates St. Paul as well as women in Haiti financially and mentally. This year, readers truly claimed their texts and merged their voices perfectly with those of the women in their stories. A powerful blend! Thank you everyone, for this magical, shocking, amusing, depressing, arousing night!

Jenna made a pretty pink program.

All-year support and ticketing staff George and Marko

Some of our amazing performances:
Erika: "My vagina is a flower, opening and closing, closing and opening ..."

Joan (Jenna's mum): "Down there? I haven't been down there since 1953. No, it had nothing to do with Eisenhower."

Jenna: "I call it cunt. I've reclaimed it. Listen to it - cunt."

Liz: "Turned out, Bob loved vaginas. He was a connaisseur."

Ciara: "What we weren't allowed to do? Use a condom. Run away. Keep my baby. Ask him to stop."

Chelda on behalf of Haitian women: "We are not giving up. We are singing your song emboldened by your name. Myriam."

Djenane: "The combo clit-vaginal moan"




on weather while we're waiting for more V-Day pictures- because it does affect us more than we'd like to think. Spring seems to be extra hesitant to arrive this year. So all we can do is enjoy the the few beautiful days we have (had) to the fullest. Luckily there is a lot of (work and baby) stuff to do inside.

Catching a few sunrays at Lake Harriet

The parenting fun has already started!

To some a gadget to train pelvic floor muscles, to others a cool toy ;-)

Another cool round thing ...



Thank you to all the wonderful people who made V-Day 2011 a success. I'm honored and touched to know you and call many of you my friends. For tonight, these words will have to do, but I promise that there will be more ...



means hoping. And there is hope again that spring might be on its way. While last week our Sunday walk still led us through winterly landscapes, this week we opened our outdoor office - hurray! Yes, expecting (2 meanings) can be a happy state of mind ;-)

Last week: winter

This week: our outdoor office right outside our indoor office

Growing and making us happy: tulips and a belly