

Thanksgiving has become one of our favorite, maybe the favorite, American holiday. Even though its historical roots are more than problematic, we love the fact that time stands still for a few days, and people get together to enjoy each other's company, eat and drink. We are also very fond of the idea of a holiday revolving around being grateful. We have a lot to be grateful for.

On Wednesday before Thanksgiving, BU was already closed, so Marko and Hanna got to enjoy a wonderfully relaxed day in Boston sans kids.

While the children were engaging in Thanksgiving preparations in daycare...
 Hanna and Marko enjoyed coffeehouses and shopping malls downtown ...

Thanksgiving morning was spent in our backyard. Leaves, a tiny bit of snow, sand, fire, and (vegetarian) sausages - we had it all.

 Samu was very interested in the Thanksgiving Parade on TV - for about 3 minutes. Then he preferred to help Hanna bake.

 Our Thanksgiving would have been a little sad without a real family-dinner. Our lovely French friends invited us to Providence for turkey and the works. It was perfect.

Nico, Alice, and Margot presenting the turkey.
Karyn & Sofia

Samu loved the drums.
And Sofia loved being treated like a princess by the older girls.
We had no idea that Karyn is a singer! We were treated to a very special Thanksgiving performance of her own songs.

 Biskuitrolle made by Hanna.
 It was a very quiet ride back home ;-)
 Thank you for a wonderful Thanksgiving!

The next day, we spent doing Christmas preparations - because it's the tradition, but mostly because we wanted to.

Christmas can come, we are ready!


Last weekend, Hanna spent a few days in San Antonio, TX, at the Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The little get-away offered everything Hanna had been missing: reunions with friends and former professors, inspiring discussions, fantastic food & drinks, a little bit of free time, warm weather (despite a bit of rain), and an active nightlife.

Reunion with Andie & Kaishan
View from the hotel room.
 The Riverwalk, 5 miles of river through downtown, lined with bars and restaurants.
Welcome, ACTFL attendees!
 The Alamo, former Catholic Mission and site of the Battle of the Alamo in 1836 (Mexicans against Texians).

 San Antonio is really pretty, with many open squares, old churches, and a very walkable inner city.
A bakery at the historical Market Square.

 Finally sunshine!
 Delicious cocktails with Elaine and amazing dinner with Jason & Nicole - and all that's left is a picture of the banana tart... and, of course, a lovely memory.
 Back at home, the kids enjoyed their presents and their newly inspired and relaxed Mama.



Before we head into our long and long-awaited Thanksgiving weekend, we will share some pictures of the kids' daycare with you. Can you see why Samu and Sofia like it so much? Happy Thanksgiving!

"Ashes, ashes, we all fall down."
Monday = tennis day.

Tuesday = music day

"Head, shoulders, knees and toes ..."
Every day = arts project day
Sofia and friends.

She built this all by herself, much to the delight of her teachers - and us.