

Towards the end of our stay in Austria, we wanted to have one last big family gathering and do something special. A boat trip through (a small part of) the beautiful Wachau was just the perfect thing to do. Unfortunately, Marko had to miss is because he had to fly back to Finland for a few days to sort out his visa. The rest of the clan had a great time though. Oh beautiful Wachau! 

Starting point Krems
 Enjoying the sun, the scenery and each other

 Strolling through Dürnstein

 By the Danube

 On the way back

 The perfect end to a perfect day: Dinner at Kobi and Kathi's place
Thank you all for a wonderful time!



We have been so busy lately (in a good way) that we often forgot to take pictures and those we managed to take we have not had time to post. So this is us trying to do some catching up. 

First of all we loooove the Ennser backyard and its views and have spent a lot of time there.

 Second, we are so happy that Samuel gets to spend time with his Austrian cousin.

Third, Armin and Angela got married! Yippieh! The big church wedding is still coming up, but at least the legal business is taken care of. Congratulations to the happy couple!

 Fourth, after the wedding, we met the one and only Dunstkreis @ Heurigen - where we belong!

 Good old Viennese Heurigen: Friends, wine, Schrammel music and a great view. *sigh*

In Vienna we also got to hang out with Hanna's wonderful (ex-)colleagues and faithful friends - and their kids. Thank you for being so inspiring and caring! Next time, we'll take pictures of ourselves too ;-)

 Another important date: Dunstkreis @ Langenlois! Thank you for coming, dear friends!
More visitors, more good memories: Ursi, Herwig and kids came to visit and enjoy our vegetables ;-) Thank you so much for your time and friendship!

Lucky Samu also got to hang out with the coolest gang of Langenlois. Familienrunde 3.0!

This was by far not everyone we met and whose company enjoyed, but it's a start. To all of you who made our summer so special by having time for us: THANK YOU!!! It means a lot to us that we can be so close even though we live so far away. 



Thank you Marko for the best birthday gift ever! Thank you Noora and Andie for the best company! Thank you Björk for the awesome show!



When you turn one, apparently one party is not enough. Samu sure enjoyed the three (!!!) celebrations. Every one of them was unique and special. Thank you everybody for making our one-year-old toddler so happy!

Birthday celebration number 1: The fancy and festive family event
Strawberry cake - yummy!

Samu was mostly interested in the strawberries. Good boy.

The best present: A wonderful woolen shirt made by Mummi (=grandma). 

Birthday celebration number 2: Simple and laid-back fun

"I want the candle!"

Birthday celebration number 3: The big extended-Ennser hoopla

Everyone gathered at the Ennser house in Langenlois, except Laurenz, who was badly missed, to celebrate two-in-one: Elias' and Samu's birthdays. The two boys were the perfect birthday duo. Big cousin knows so many words now, we could not get enough of listening to him.

Always enjoyable: the Ennser backyard.

Table games.
"Don't play with grandma's candles!"

Aunt Irene connected with the boys immediately.

So did uncle Kobi. :)