Welcome to Hanna's, Marko's, Samuel's and Sofia's blog! This is for us and you to stay in touch, share memorable moments and exchange thoughts on life in America and in general. Enjoy and do post comments!
As of today we're proud tenants of a garden patch in our community garden. Even though it was 9 am (so basically in the middle of the night) we enjoyed the work in the dirt a lot. We met some really nice people, too - some who knew Vienna and some who had lived in Joensuu (!!). What are the odds? Looks like at least the community aspect of the garden is working. As for the growing part, we'll have to see ...
hey, great stuff! so what did you plant?
AntwortenLöschencucumber and tomatoes for a start. lettuce, strawberries, zucchini, carrots, herbs and broccoli are yet to come ... any other suggestions?
AntwortenLöschenhmm, parsley and chives, other hervs ( but you most prob have them at home already) potatoes, melanzani, and chocolate:)