

Some listen more "actively", others more quietly ... ;-)



Look who is here, visiting from Austria! It's David! He is here for a couple of days to get to know our American life. Look at all the things we've done!

We showed him around BU.

 And discovered that our bookstore has multiple levels. (Thanks, David!)

 On Saturday we went to the Museum of Science, very impressed with its rich, educational, incredibly well-designed, and interactive exhibits.

 We took a trip to the moon and back.

 We explored steam engines.
 Samu was a bit scared of the dinosaurs.
 But guess who wasn't.

 Sofia played around with static and gravity.

 David and Samu built a solar house.
 We learned about renewable energy.

 And admired some animals.

We finally found scientific proof that Marko (in the middle) is not as cold as we are.
 We had lunch with a view.
 But this is why this is our favorite museum: A nap area for grownups!

 Samu spent some time digging up fossils (mostly shark teeth), investigating and drawing them.

Sofia had a more play-driven approach to the museum. ;-)

 We also built a drain pipe.

 And a circuit.
 After learning so much, it was time for the adults to have some fun of a different kind. Thanks to our wonderful babysitter, we were able to continue our "scientific explorations" in some very nice restaurants in Cambridge.
 John Harvard and his buddies.

 Everyone was very excited about their food.

 We've been having an awesome time with David! Thankfully, we get to keep him for two more days.
Have a great week!