We made it! After a long trip and a long recovery period from our jet lag, we are finally in Finland, happy and safe. After one week, also our beloved stroller made it here. And here is what we have done so far:
Our farewell from Minneapolis. The flight went pretty smoothly. Samu was the perfect traveller, sitting quietly on his seat most of the time. Sofia was way too excited to sleep, but also happy most of the time.
After a night in Helsinki, we took the plane to Joensuu.
Waiting for the shuttle in front of our hotel.
Airport playground for big and small children.
Finally in Lieksa, everyone loved the company and food immediately.
For a few days, we got to play with Heli and Olli and their kids Vilho and Helmi. Samu and Sofia were so excited about their cousins. It was heartwarming to see all of them together.
Great toys of Lieksa.
This ball turned out to be Sofia's favorite thing. She spends most of the time carrying it around.
After meeting the cousins, the next highlight was right around the corner: Juhannus aka Midsummer. Except for Marko, none of us had experienced a real Finnish Midsummer. We were so excited!
Off to the cabin we go!
It's really hard to imagine a prettier place.
First walk around the new territory.
Samu is in love with Mummi's cakes. And in company of the cousins and Ukki they taste even better.
Hanna's favorite spot.
Sofia enjoyed the sunshine, grass, and fresh air. A real nature girl!
Inexhaustible playmate Ukki.
Find Vilho :-)
Samu overcoming his fear and getting ready for his first boat ride.
Sofia and Hanna came along too, and Sofia fell asleep on the boat.
The kids also did some fishing and watched fish being filleted. Surprisingly, Samu was not upset about it at all. Quite the opposite, he was very interested in the process and the tools.
Dinner time!
Children love Mummi.
It was great to see Helmi and Samu bond. This was their "secret club". No adults allowed.
The traditional Juhannus fire was floating! It was a perfect end of a Midsummer celebration.
After our cabin day, we went home for sauna, night swimming, and a good night's sleep.
Last pictures before we had to say good bye to Vilho and Helmi. Samu has been asking about them every day since.
Since then we have enjoyed the peace of Lieksa life.