

After the last snow in early April (picture: BU campus), spring is now here for sure, and it brought some exciting events along.
For example, the event Hanna co-organized with the student government president. It was a panel discussion featuring transgender and gender non-conforming youth and parents of transgender children. Thankfully the School of Education's community understood the importance of this event and filled the room (below) completely. Yay!
Waiting for it to start...

The voices of these youth are so powerful! They blew the audience away.

Another exciting event was Hanna's trip to two conferences, one in Washington DC and one in Orlando. Both were fantastic.  
Although there was not too much time for pleasure, after giving her presentation, there was enough for Hanna to do some sightseeing. 
Hello, White House!

Washington Monument and DC's famous cherry blossoms
Jefferson Memorial
The best part of conferences: Seeing friends! Here are two we've missed A LOT.

The conference parties were pretty good too.
Representing BU!
Representing the U of M!
Early the next morning, Hanna flew to Orlando, where summer was waiting.
The best conference hotel ever!

Hanna heard excellent presentations from people who do excellent work and made some important contacts.
Skyping home

U of M friends reunited

And after all presentations were done, there was still time to kick back.

Back at home, Marko had finished packing most of our stuff in 15 boxes. They will soon be on their way to Finland. See you in June!

Someone is ready to move!

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