Take a look at some excerpts of what Samu's and Sofia's teachers wrote about them in their half-yearly reports! We could not be prouder! (Add to this the fact that Sofia is now completely diaper and pacifier-free ...!!)
Sofia's play is growing more complex. She is stringing together different activities to create a logical sequence, for example, she may pretend to feed a doll, then put her to bed, and cover her up. She knows most colors (we are working on brown, black, and grey) and most shapes (we are working on pentagons, hexagons, and octagons). In terms of language development, her vocabulary has increased significantly in the last couple of months. She is able to have conversations about daily activities and picks ups new words daily. She uses question inflection at the end of sentences and can ask for what she wants appropriately. She also follows sequential commands, e.g. "Get your shoes, bring them to the mat, sit down, and let me help you put them on." Sofia is very social. She has many friends and many of the children's activities that take place in the classroom without teachers' assistance are her ideas. Sofia is doing exceptionally well regarding her fine motor skills. She has a great deal of control over small things and enjoys doing arts projects that require fine detail. She is a bright, sweet, and kind kid. Thank you for sharing her with us.
Samuel is a sweet and lovely boy. He always shows excitement when he comes to school and really enjoys learning and playing with his friends and teachers. His linguistic skills are excellent. He speaks perfect English and has a huge vocabulary for his age. He learns and uses new words every day. He is totally comfortable expressing his ideas, needs, and feelings and talking about things he does with his family and friends. Samuel stays focused in all activities because he is eager to learn and wants to be the smartest kid in the class. He is our "little genius". He asks questions all the time and said that his parents told him that if he asks "Why" he will learn a lot. He is able to count from 0 to 100 and is learning the difference between adding and subtracting. I am proud to say that he is able to read and write several words. Samuel is a great child with an amazing personality. He is full of joy and we are extremely glad to see him develop every day.
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