We were so excited to share a beautiful day in Schönberg and Langenlois with Linde, Gudrun, Robert, Theo and Kora. Thank you for visiting, thank you for inspiring and witty conversation and connection!
Racing down the hill: Kora + spectators
Hanna also visited Maria and Rudi in Langenzersdorf for a day. Thank you for a lovely time, including unique and wonderful activities (watching shooting starts!) and excellent food and conversation!
Our kids could not wait for Bene, Elias, and Esther to arrive.
A never-ending pool party ...
"Mama, I will splash but I will wipe Sofia's face afterwards, OK?"
The water fun continues inside the house.
Precious moments.
Another gathering: We were excited to be invited to socialize with some old friends from Langenlois and surrounding areas. Good to see you all!
Irene + a bunch of kids
A star is born: Otto! Welcome, little man, and congratulations to Agi and Meikl!
Everyone looks good with Franziska.
More trips to Schönberg's pool followed. It was so nice to see Samu and Sofia on Hanna's childhood grounds.
Good night!
Another day, another visit: Kobi and Kathi's place in Krems offers the best toys simply because it is not child proof. Wow! Look at that little happy drummer boy. Thank you for the warm welcome, Kobi!
Enjoying Krems.
Back in Langenlois, they also have some lovely playgrounds.
And pigs to be fed!
Another exciting day - good night, little girl! (Holding tightly onto Marko's childhood bunny.)
Finally it was time to leave Austria. We had a wonderful time, and we want to express our heartfelt thank you to everyone who spent time with us, visited us, hosted us, and fed us, especially our family. We are thankful for these weeks, but also aware that it was time for us to leave.
We spent a few more days in Helsinki for Marko's conference. Oma came along to help with the children, for which we were very grateful.
Beautiful Helsinki!
We took the ferry to Korkeasaari, a little island that houses Helsinki Zoo.
But that was not the only highlight of the day: We also took the Ferris Wheel - not once, but twice (once with Oma, once with Marko). Thank you for the treat, Oma!
To everyone's excitement, we found a perfect restaurant for the last evening: Excellent Finnish cuisine, a pretty yard, and - no kidding - wine from Austria.
And after strolling back to our (excellent) hotel (Hotel Arthur) and getting the kids ready for bed ...
... Hanna & Marko enjoyed their second night out in almost a year (the other one was Ilosaari Rock). Thank you to all grandparents for making this possible! We had a wonderful and romantic evening.
Now we are back home and happy to be able to live according or own rhythm and rules again. We have cleaned our house, planted new grass, filled the pool, improved our home, and even started to work. Daycare starts on Monday and we can't wait! ;-)
Home improvement: Sofia decided to live a big girl life and sleep in a big bed.
Apparently that also involved using power tools.
Thank you everyone for a wonderful summer. Welcome, fall! It's good to be back.