

This week, Hanna went to Boston for a campus visit and job talk. It went really well, so regardless of whether she will land the job or not, it was a good experience. 

The before picture: Almost ready to face a day packed with meetings.
 The after picture: Relaxing and waiting for the snowstorm to end in with room service breakfast and sitcoms.
Boston in the snow(storm).

 After a 12-hour delay: Finally back home!
 Those two also had some big jobs to do this week.
 Playing pillow games, for example.
 Or making music.

 This weekend's family trip was spent at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (MIA). The motto of this month's Family Day was "colors". We picked only a few of the many activities that were offered. So first, we listened to the story of the Rainbow Lady.
 One of the most amazing things about Samu is how intensely he listens. He barely even blinks. Quite a job!
 Another big job: Making and coloring play dough.
 Samu proudly presents the result. Good job!

 Color construction jobs.
 And Sofia? She found Marko's long lost hat and loved it. And was just incredibly cute and happy as usual. 

Good jobs! Good week!

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