

is what we miss the most here in the U.S.. Imagine our excitement when we heard that Hanna's mum and little brother are coming. And last week it finally happened. We mostly hung out together and introduced them to our family life here. But we also managed to get out and do a few little trips, for example to the Mall of America and Lake Como. Until we receive more pictures, here are some from Lake Como and our night out at Kitty Cat Klub.

Very fond of each other: Samu and his grandma

Sunset walk at Lake Como

One of the perks of having a grandma around: You can go out! Kobi was the perfect company for Hanna and Marko's first night out after Samu's birth.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hurrrrrra!

    Wir können Euch seeeeehr gut verstehen! Hatten gerade Besuch von allen Eltern und sind ganz traurig, weil sie morgen schon wieder nach Langenlois bzw. Lengenfeld abreisen! Aber wir sehen uns kurz nach Weihnachten wieder! Viele liebe Grüße in die USA und genießt die Zeit mit Oma und Onkel!

    Bussi aus Kalix, JuDaFre

  2. Super, dann sehen wir uns ja zu Weihnachten :-))) Endlich!!!
