

Ich sitze hier mit (d)einer wunderschönen Frau, die mir immer wahnsinnig spannende Dinge über dich erzählt. Ich würd mich sehr freuen, dich bald zu treffen, damit ich überprüfen kann, ob sie auch stimmen ;-))
Ich hab gehört, du hast versucht, was zu posten. Versuchs doch nochmal, bitte!

Alles Liebe

3 Kommentare:

  1. Ich can only understand that you are sitting with meine wunderschonen Frau, and that maybe you are talking about me, but I am not sure. Meine Deutches sprache ist nich super, darum I can not understand everything.

    Yes. I have posted a comment on your blog, but it got lost. Have a great class and day.

  2. thanks. you too. your german is almost as good as natalija's ;-) and definitely better than my lithuanian... see you - maybe at christmas? h

  3. My Frau suggested I use Google Translate to translate the text that you wrote into English. It worked really well. So yeah, I am looking forward to meeting you. Christmas is the closest time I can think of. Take care.
